Day 27: Saturday
It’s workout day!!!
I want to talk about stretching and warm-ups.
The workout videos are a little more intense than the instructional videos. And that’s on purpose! This is part of the teeny tiny micro-dosing of exercise that we are practicing here. We start really small, add a little more intensity, and keep adding in bits and pieces- in such small increments that your body isn’t too jarred.
Since the workouts are a little more intense, it’s essential that you warm up before doing them. A good warmup is essential to prevent injury. This is even why it’s called a “warm-up”- you are literally warming up your body and preparing it for movement.
So- please don’t skip the stretch video that is listed before the workout video. It’s important! And you can even foam roll first- that would get you super nice and warm! I know that many of us are busy and we have a tendency to skip the warm-up, but your body won’t be happy if you do that. It’s better to take the 5 minutes and stretch first, to prevent injury and soreness.
And personally, I love the warm-ups! It not only gets my body ready for exercise, but my mind too. It helps me ease into the idea that I am going to be exercising, and gives me a few minutes of transition out of my mind and out of my day and into my body.
What do you think of the warm-ups? Do you love them? Hate them? Tell me or post on Facebook!