Autoimmune Strong Calendars

The Autoimmune Strong exercise calendars are designed to help take the stress out of starting a new exercise program.

They are a guiding hand, so that you get used to the daily practice of exercise.

Answer a few questions to find out which calendar will work best for you!

All About The Calendars

Autoimmune Strong is designed to be a self-paced exercise system where you watch videos, perform the exercises and let your body help you determine how much or how little exercise your body can handle on each given day and what makes your body feel good. 

However, when you are getting started, it can be difficult to let your body guide you because your body doesn’t know how to do that yet. Instead, your body is accustomed to overdoing or underdoing… and it’s really hard to change those habits by yourself. 

That’s why we offer these calendars. Let the calendars be the guide and show you what to do each day. You will begin to observe what feels good, what feels like too much or too little, and eventually, you will build the tools to go through the program on your own.  

The calendars are downloadable, so you can print them out and hang them up for inspiration. They are also clickable on a laptop, phone or tablet. So if you click on the words highlighted in blue, they will take you exactly to the exercise video your calendar has for you that day.

The most important thing to remember about the calendars is that you always have the option for an extra rest day or to do different movement that feels better for your body. You can come back to your calendar at any time.


  1. The calendar is not a requirement; it’s just a suggestion. If you need an extra rest day...take it!

  2. There are modifications for each exercise. Watch the modification and decide which exercise option works best for you.

  3. The program (and the corresponding calendars) starts slowly and gently progresses over time. Trust the process. 

  4. If the calendar you are using feels too intense, take a rest day or repeat any day or week that feels right for you. You can always switch calendars if you need to. 

  5. If you have any questions about the calendars, about your quiz results, or anything else, please reach out for support. Ask us! We will answer you and give you guidance.

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Book a 1:1 Session

Looking for extra guidance as you add to your exercise routine? Book a 1:1 consult with one of the Autoimmune Strong coaches.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to use a calendar to go through the Autoimmune Strong Program? 

Not at all. The calendars are not a requirement, so you can always ignore them and go through the program on your own. They are designed as an option, to help support you and show you how to begin. But be mindful if you choose to go on your own, and make sure you don’t push too hard, especially in the beginning. 

What if the daily calendar assignments don’t fit my schedule? For example, what if I want to take Saturday as a rest day? 

The calendars are by no means set in stone. You can always manipulate the calendar to fit your schedule or your body’s needs. If you need an additional rest day (or two or three) don’t hesitate to take them and adjust the calendar accordingly. If you feel like you want to focus on a certain body part but the calendar puts you on a different body part, you can switch them. It’s up to you to make the changes you feel are best. 

How do I know if the calendar I am using is the right one for me? 

If you are able to go through the calendar consistently, without having exercise-induced symptom flare-ups, then this means the calendar is going at the right pace for you. If this is happening for you, then great! You can stick with the calendar you are using or try the higher-level one. But if you are having flare-ups, exhaustion or living with an increased amount of stress, I always recommend downgrading the calendar.  It is always better to start slow and progress over time. There is no “good or bad” calendar, you want to work with the one that works best for your body. The goal is to feel good! 

How do I find and use these calendars? 

You can find the calendars here

They are clickable, so you can go directly to the video of the day. 

Or you can print a hard copy here and use these stickers to help you track your progress.

How do I use the calendar if I am doing the Cardio Party? 

I recommend that you put aside the calendar and follow the instructions in the Cardio Party.

I still have more questions. 

We are always here to help! Have questions? Email us here or book a 1:1 phone chat with one of our awesome coaches.  

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