Welcome to the cardio party!!!

Cardio exercise has many health benefits, including an increase in energy, endurance, heart health, lung health, mood and much more. Healthy and safe exercise can include cardio too! That’s why we are going to throw a party- so we can learn together how to do cardio in a way that works for our bodies, without causing a flare.

The Autoimmune Strong Cardio Party is a 30 day self paced program that teaches you exactly how to do cardio safely and effectively for your body. It’s a party because it’s going to help you feel so good!


I know you may be anxious to get back to more activity.

I am a former distance runner so I fully understand how great it can feel to get out for a walk, run, or ride! But remember we’re in it for the long haul. I’m going to make sure you can add in activities and stay healthy and flare-free!

I recommend watching this Cardio Masterclass before joining the Cardio Party, as it will give you all the important background information you will need, such as why cardio in particular is particularly stimulating for flare-ups, the cardio myths we need to unlearn, and the 5 essential tips for long term healthy cardio activity.

It’s about 60 minutes, but it’s worth it.

How Does the Cardio Party Work?

Most fitness programs throw you right into cardio. These programs have you hitting the pavement on the first day. That’s not how it works here. Instead of just throwing you into a cardio practice, while pushing you to hit a particular distance or exercise target, this cardio party will help you build your own cardio routine, one that fits your own personal needs.

Each day, you will receive an email prompt with a task. However, this is NOT like the 30 Day Challenge, where you do each task every day. This is designed to be self-paced, so you can do this at your own speed.

This 30 day step by step guide will help you: 

  • Find your body’s cardio baseline level of exercise tolerance and teach you how to work within this level to increase your cardio fitness without flare. 

  • Learn exactly what it means to “listen to your body” using a step by step check-in process that you can use daily to figure out what your body does and does not need.

  • Learn how to properly warm up and cool down in order to prevent both injury and flare-up. 

  • Learn how to safely increase your distance for walking, running, biking or swimming according to your body’s exercise tolerance levels. 

  • Learn what exercises you should be practicing in your non-cardio days in order to build strength and endurance to improve your cardio experience. 

  • And more!

This program is perfect for you, no matter where you are on your Autoimmune Strong journey. Within the 30 Day Cardio Party, there are different options for:

  • Beginners (members who are new to Autoimmune Strong or are in Level 1)

  • Intermediate (members who are in Levels 2 or 3)

  • Advanced (members who are in Levels 4, 5 or 6).

(However, if you are in a chronic flare, or have significantly limited mobility, the cardio party might not be the best place for you to begin. Instead, I recommend joining the 30 Day Flare Support Challenge. If you have questions about what is right for you, please email me)

Don’t go it alone!

Post on Facebook!

Find other members starting the cardio program & start a conversation with your fellow members!

Email andrea

Do you have more specific questions? Andrea is always available to help you.

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Book a 1:1 Session

Looking for extra guidance as you add to your exercise routine? Book a 1:1 consult with one of the Autoimmune Strong coaches.

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Learn More About Cardio

There is so much to think about when adding cardio to your exercise routine. I’ve pulled together some helpful resources for you to check out and help you on your journey.

Blog Posts:

 Comments? Questions?

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