Day 7: Sunday

Today is the second day of exercise planning and prep.

We get started with the Autoimmune Strong Calendars tomorrow.

For those of you who are struggling to get started- here are the keys. Before we can exercise, we have to figure out when and how we are going to exercise. By planning ahead, you are more likely to actually make your exercise happen. 

So here are the questions you need to consider: 

  • Which Autoimmune Strong calendar will I be following? Take this quiz to find out which calendar is right for me.

  • When can I find time in my day to exercise? 

  • When do I have the most energy? 

  • Where am I going to exercise? 

  • How much time do I need to set aside for exercise? (Tip: Check out the calendar you chose and check out the videos listed on it so there are no surprises!)

  • Don’t forget to include rest days! 

Don’t worry- I am going to help you answer all of these questions! I want you to read the Autoimmune Strong Exercise Guide, which is chock full of information you need to help you make these decisions. 

Step #1
Read the Autoimmune Strong Exercise Guide and take the quiz so you can select your calendar. 

Step #2 
Plan ahead for next week. Take a look at the calendar you selected and the daily workout assignments. Watch the beginning video or two. Get familiar with what’s coming, so you can plan properly. The calendars start on Monday, and we will all begin together. So- look ahead on your personal calendar and schedule your exercise in for each day. It can look like this:

On Monday, I will 

  • do this workout: _____________

  • At this time: ________________

  • In this location: ______________

  • For this length of time: ________

Repeat this for each day of the week. You can use the Autoimmune Strong Journal for this.  

Step #3
Post on the facebook group and answer this question: 

As I looked at my calendar for next week and I started planning out when, where and how I was going to exercise, I began to feel:________

(Hint Hint: We are going to talk about this tomorrow!!! It’s very important that you do these steps, even if they feel awkward)

Exercise: If you have started abdominal bracing keep it up! Practice it again 1-3 times today, with a 1-30 second hold. If you haven’t started yet and you are ready to do so, click here to watch the video. And if you are on your own program, keep going!


Day 8: Monday


Day 6: Saturday