Journaling for Health (and Sanity!) During the Holidays

The holiday season can feel busy, overwhelming and rushed- and we so often emerge in January with a full on flare-up. 

In my email last week, I shared my list of the few simple things you can do to help prevent this January flare-up… and since I know that it's hard to implement 5 new ideas at once, I wanted to take the next few weeks to dig into each one. (You can re-read that post here!)

Today, I'm going to talk about how I use JOURNALING to stay in touch with my own needs during the holiday season. 

There are so many different approaches and tips out there to journal effectively, but for me, I like to keep it super simple.

In fact, you can start this journaling habit in just ONE MINUTE every day. Here's how I do it:

1. Get set up:

My favourite time to journal is first thing in the morning, after my exercise but before I do any work. You might find it easier to journal at a different time, for instance before bed.

If you can, find a quiet space. If you live with others, you might find it helpful to shut the door.

Grab a pen and your journal, or open a note on your phone. (If you use your phone, be careful not to get distracted by notifications. Remember, this is YOUR time.)

2. Now, take a deep breath and ask yourself these two questions:

'What does my body need today? What am I feeling?’

  'How can I give my body what it needs today?' 

Sit with these questions for a moment and see what answers come up. Remember, the answer probably won't be the same every day.

For example, if yesterday was a busy day, then today you might need to take things slowly. Or, if your throat is feeling parched, it might be time to grab a glass of water (more on that next week).

This is also a good chance to look at your exercise habits. Are you doing too much? Too little? Giving your body a chance to speak to you about this is really important. 

3. Finally, write down just one thing that you will do today to take care of your body.

You might want to tell someone else what you've decided, or set a reminder in your phone. I often use a sticky note that I carry around with me to help me remember what to prioritize.  

(If nothing comes to mind, that's OK. It can take a little while to discern what your body needs. By simply asking the question, you've already started to open up an avenue of communication with your body. Way to go!)

Bottom line: Taking a minute each day to communicate with your body is the best strategy to anticipate your needs and take care of your wellbeing this holiday season.


How hydration helps you feel GOOD through the holidays


Five Steps to Combat Flare-ups and Fatigue This Holiday Season