Top 3 Autoimmune Strong Tips For Setting Up Your Workout Space!

At Autoimmune Strong, we want you to feel excited about your fitness setup, so it inspires you to continue showing up for your exercises!

We think taking these three simple steps to properly set up your surroundings will help you feel ready for starting or continuing on your Autoimmune Strong journey!

We get a lot of questions about how to set up your ideal workout space, what clothes to wear and what equipment to buy, so here are all the answers! 

1. Decide exactly where you want to do your exercises. 

Our living spaces are used for so many things these days, so it’s extra important to find a space for yourself where you feel comfortable moving around. 

Some people like to find space in their bedrooms where they can have privacy. Personally, my preferred space is in my living room because there is enough space for a yoga mat and it looks out a window towards a beautiful tree. 

The space doesn’t have to be for the sole purpose of exercising—the great thing about Autoimmune Strong exercise is that you just need a yoga mat.  You can unroll it to start and roll it back up when you are finished. And voila, the exercise space goes back to its original function!

So, the first step is to walk around your house and think, “how can I create a space for me?” 

Once you find a good space that makes you feel comfortable, you can gather a few things to demarcate this special space. For example, I always get my water bottle filled, roll out my yoga mat, light a candle, and tell everyone around me not to interrupt me until I am done. That is my process for starting my exercise routine in my house. 

2. Decide what clothing to wear.

There is always so much fuss made about having specific exercise clothes. That is not a requirement here. You don’t need a special outfit to participate in Autoimmune Strong exercises. 

We just recommend clothes that are breathable and flexible! You might not be working up a serious sweat doing our exercises, but you’ll want to dress in an outfit where you’ll have full range of motion. Think comfy clothes. Whatever gives you your full ability to try new movements is what you should use. 

**We do recommend that if you’re wearing a large shirt or sweatshirt when foam rolling, to be mindful that it doesn’t get all tangled in the roller if you are rolling on the floor. I have gotten my hoodies caught so many times! 

Personally, I like a supportive sports bra and compression tights. (Athleta is my favorite brand and no, I’m not a sponsor. It’s just my personal preference). As long as you are comfortable, anything goes!

Did you know? There are Autoimmune Strong t-shirts, tanks and sweatshirts available for you to workout in! They are super comfy and soft, and I always wear mine to workout because it inspires me to be strong and keep showing up for myself. You can check them out here!

3. Tell your family and friends so they can be your cheerleaders. 

Tell someone in your life about your new dedication to this exercise program and ask for their support! 

We often try to go at these types of things alone. But I know from experience that having someone share this journey with you—whether it’s a sibling, spouse, child, neighbor, or coworker—helps you stay encouraged and supported throughout. 

They don’t need all the nitty gritty details, just sharing your excitement and desire for a cheerleader on the sidelines can be enough! 

Also, this helps the people you live with to know to give you space and not to bother you while you are in the workout zone. Working out without distraction is most certainly helpful.

I always make sure to tell my family when I am working out, so they know to give me space. I will often tell them, “All I need is 15 minutes, so check back with me then and I will be fully present to answer your question or help you with whatever you need.”

So, hopefully this blog has given you the information you need to get started making an exercise routine part of your daily life. We are always here to help you and answer any questions. So please don’t hesitate to reach out! Email us at


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