You have completed this Workshop series, congratulations!!!

You are now armed with essential information that will help you on your journey to health, energy and vitality. 


  • You have learned that exercise is essential for health when living with any type of chronic pain. 
  • You have learned that there is a right way and a wrong way to exercise for your body. 
  • You have learned to avoid the traditional “no pain no gain” pitfalls because this type of exercise will only exacerbate your symptoms. 
  • You have learned to focus instead on slow and steady strength and flexibility building exercises. A combo of stretching and strengthening is key. Starting easy simple and short is key, and you can build up in frequency, duration, intensity over time. 

But if you are anything like me- just because I know the theory behind something, doesn’t mean I know how to apply it. AND if you are anything like me, you’re too exhausted to try to figure out how to apply this theory to exercise on your own. 

So this is where I have made it easy for you. I have done all the work for you, and created an exercise program designed specifically for people living with chronic conditions. And of course, it follows my exercise theory to a tee. 

It’s called Autoimmune Strong, and it’s the first of it’s kind- an online exercise video program that teaches you the specific exercises to do for your body- specifically designed for people living with autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia and other types of chronic pain. And it really works. I know because I was the first customer. Now, hundreds of people from around the globe are working out with Autoimmune Strong and loving it. 

Want a sneak peek into the Autoimmune Strong program? Take this guided tour and I will tell you all about it! 


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