Day 5: Evaluating your body

Cardio fitness is very important for our day to day life. You need it when you clean your house, walk your dogs, run errands, play with the small children in your life or go for that hike on a beautiful day.

However, cardio can also be very hard on our bodies. Cardio puts a big increase of stress on the body, and our bodies can’t always handle it. And you know by now, after hanging out with me, what happens when our bodies experience too much stress? We go into a flare.

So, because of that, the number one thing I am going to stress here is that we need to listen to our bodies with very finely tuned ear, to prevent us from triggering a flare. 

Our body may tell us that we are stiff and sore and not feeling like moving today. Or it might tell us that it has extra energy and is feeling good. These types of insights will tell us how far we should go with our walks- whether it should be a longer walk day, a shorter walk day, or a rest day.  

Our mind might tell us- yes, I am ready! Or no, I am feeling nervous. 

We have to be in tune with both our body and our minds. So today, your task is to document how your body and mind feel right now.

Let’s practice the emotional work of tuning into your body, which will be a very important skill as we move towards incorporating cardio into our day. This is taking the first “Check-In” we did the other day and applying it to the movement you did yesterday.

Tell me: 

  • How is your body feeling today, when you think about the cardio activity you did yesterday? Do you feel like your body did too much, too little, or just the right amount? Why do you feel that way? Is your body sending you any signals?

  • How is your mind feeling today, when you think about the cardio activity you have on your do to list today? Do you feel stressed when you think of your to-do list? Why or why not?  

  • Now, check in- and be honest. Are your body and mind on the same page when you think of the daily activities you have to get done today? Does your body say rest and your mind says no?

  • If they are not on the same page, if you had to choose one to listen to, which one would you choose and why? 

As you think about that choice, consider: am I making this choice because of what I think I *should* do or am I making this choice because it’s the right choice for my body? 

Also, today, you are going to continue tracking your steps and practicing your breath work.  

Post on Facebook or share with Andrea how this check-in went for you today.

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Day 4: Exercise Tolerance Awareness and Measurement