Day 6: Ab Bracing

Today, we begin our cardio preparation in a physical way. We are starting with the core. 

Why start with the core when cardio is mostly leg work? Well- that’s actually a misconception. 

Strengthening the core muscles is critical because that is where all your physical power comes from. We typically think of cardio as coming from the legs, but without a strong core, the legs take on too much intensity and it can cause injury. A strong core also supports our spine, shoulders, and neck properly to prevent injury, muscle soreness and back pain.

So, let’s work on the core today. 

Practice the following ab bracing moves:

Beginner: (New to AIS or in Level 1):

Intermediate: (In Level 2 or 3): 

Advanced: In Level 4, 5 or 6

For beginners, you are going to learn how to activate your core through a process called ab bracing. This exercise firms up your deepest core muscles in your front and back, to hold the spine up and prevent back injury during cardio. 

Intermediate members are going to learn how to hold that ab bracing activation while moving their legs- which is a walking simulation. This will help you practice ab bracing while moving, so when you begin cardio, your body will know what to do. 

Advanced members work on deepening the body’s strength in the core area.

* Note for beginners: Don’t be intimidated by the intermediate and advanced exercises. You will eventually gain strength to be able to move into these higher levels. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. We can’t push ourselves to do more than we are ready for.

* Note that for intermediate and advanced members I included the clips of these exercises because I am assuming you have been doing these for awhile and are familiar with the exercises and jst need a reminder. If you want the full instruction, I recommend that you go back and review the instructional core videos Level 2 and 3.

Don’t forget to practice your check-ins and breathing work before you begin. And please- continue to track your steps

(To review how to check-in with your body click here )

(To review our deep breathing exercises, click here )

Tell me- how does your core feel as you go through these exercise routines?

Post on Facebook or share with me

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Day 7: Your Warm-Up Routine


Day 1: Introduction