Give Andrea Feedback Name * First Name Last Name Email Address * Have you considered signing up for the 7 day free trial of Autoimmune Strong? * Yes, I've considered trying it. No, I have not considered trying it. I didn't know you offered this! Which of the following factors played a role in your decision to NOT try the free trial at this moment? (Check all that apply.) * I am interested, but now is not the right time for me I didn't/don't have time to try the program at this moment I can't afford it I don't need help with exercising I don’t want to enter my credit card to get a free trial It seems overwhelming at this time I’m just not interested in this program at this time Other In your own words, why haven't you signed up for the 7 day free trial of Autoimmune Strong yet? Please be as specific as possible. * Your answer If you were interested but didn’t join, how do you plan to exercise? Please be as specific as possible. * Your answer Thanks for providing this valuable feedback to help improve Autoimmune Strong!With Love,Andrea