Introducing the Members Only Newsletter!!!


Hi Autoimmune Strong Members!!!

Welcome to the first installment of the members only newsletter!!!! 

Today’s topic is all about ab bracing. I wanted to send you a quick informative video, talking about the challenges of abdominal bracing for the first time. I am going to answer some frequently asked questions about this amazing, popular, and effective movement, because it’s not so easy to do in the beginning.  

frequently asked questions ABOUT ABDOMINAL BRACING: 

  • Why is it so hard for me to breathe and suck my stomach in at the same time?

  • What do I do if I can hold the suck and tuck but not the squeeze part? 

  • In the beginning, how often should I be doing my ab bracing? 



And now… for some ab bracing inspiration. For those of you who are new to this exercise, I want to show you what’s possible if you stick with this simple practice! 

“I just completed 3 times for 30 seconds each. I’ve noticed the more I practice, the easier it’s getting.”

- Josephine

“Did abdominal bracing video this morning and will do foam rolling before bed. I find I’m more aware of my abdominal muscles and find myself bracing throughout the day.”

- Denise

“This is my second challenge. I actually hurt myself the first one pushing my daughter out of the snow bank she got the car stuck in. I followed the foam rolling and ab bracing through the injury and healed faster!!”

- Tracie  

So- I hope that this newsletter helped you to keep going with the bracing technique. Keep going, keep up the great work, and remember, even just a teeny tiny bit goes a long, long way.  


  1. The 30 Day Challenge is under way! For those of you doing it, keep going, you are doing great! Remember, if you get knocked off by a few days it’s ok! And if you aren’t doing it right now? That’s cool too! You can go at your own pace. (All of the 30 day challenge posts are up in the portal so you can always refer back to them, you can find them here)

  2. This coming Thursday March 14th at 1 pm est is our group community call! If you haven’t attended one of these before, they are super fun and super informative… you get to talk in real time, face to face with me (and other AIS members too!). Lots of information is discussed there. AND we always post the replay on the website. Just go to the Bonus Content tab on the menu bar and click on Community Calls Archive, and you will find ALL the calls stored there, from the beginning of time! Anyways, I hope you can make it so we can chat in person, but if not, I will send a link to the recording via email. (Check the community call email I sent earlier this week for all the details on how to attend the call).

I am proud of each and every member for being here and showing your body some love.

You are awesome! 

With Love, 




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