Day 9

We sit a lot. It’s the reality of modern life. 

That means our hips get tight and our glute muscles aren’t as strong as they should be. 

So today, let’s stretch our hips out and wake up those sleepy glute muscles!   

Here is your Challenge for today: 

  • Step #1: Learn:

  • Step #2: Modify:

  • Step #3: Practice

    • I recommend doing two repetitions on each side of the hip stretch (either the regular or the modified). Hold the stretch for 10-30 seconds for each repetition. 

    • I recommend doing one to three repetitions of glute bridge (either the regular or the modified). Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds for each repetition. 

      • Does that feel like too much? Do less! Reduce it to one repetition, or fewer seconds for each repetition.  

      • Does that feel like not enough? That’s okay. We are going to keep adding intensity over time.

  • Step #4: Share!

Remember: slow and steady wins the race, and a little bit goes a long way. 

I believe in you! You ARE Autoimmune Strong!

In Strength + Love. 

Your Coach, 

PS. Want to watch the full 15-minute hips and glutes video?  Click here to watch!


Day 8


Day 10