Day 21: Sunday

Ok, it’s a rest day again!!! 

I want to remind you about being intentional, even on a rest day. 

You see, rest days are an essential part of the program, and without rest, there can’t be action. When I say rest, I really mean “recovery”. Rest days give your muscles a minute to recover so they can begin again. 

So…. on your rest days, I want you to think about- what can I do that would help my muscles recover? 

You may even find that your muscles are stiffer and a little more uncomfortable on rest days- so stretching and foam rolling are still good things to do to take care of that body of yours! 

Here are some other wonderful recovery tools, easy things you can do at home.

Take 5 deep breaths every hour. (Perhaps set an alarm as a reminder?)

  1. Drink extra water- try to incorporate 1 extra glass of water

  2. Go outside and be in nature. Enjoy the sun! (Even for those of you living in winter… sun is important!)

  3. Do something nice for yourself, like a pedicure or a facemask

  4. Take a bath (and maybe add some epsom salts!)

Tell me (or post on FB)- how are you going to “rest” today?


Day 22: Monday


Day 20: Saturday