Day 22: Monday

I hope you are feeling great after your rest day and that you are ready to get back at it today!!! 

Keep going with your calendars: 

B & C folks are on Video 4

A folks are on Video 5

Let’s talk shoulders for a minute, because I want to prepare you for Video 5. Many members have asked why arms come last in the program- and there is a reason! I wanted to explain so you can protect yourself.

Shoulders get injured because they are overworked.

What does that mean? Well- there are two common problems that lead to shoulder injury.

The first is shoulder mobility- or lack there of. In our life, we don’t typically practice shoulder mobility exercises- and so, our shoulders often get stuck in one position. So then- when your shoulders are required to move in a strange way, like passing something from the drivers seat to the backseat- since our shoulders aren’t mobile, they can’t do the movement, and injury occurs.

The second is lack of core strength. Because our core isn’t solid, our shoulders get forced to take on many stabilizing movements, which force the shoulder to take on movements that they shouldn’t… and injury occurs.

The good news is that we are working on both these things! Ab bracing is going to create stability in the core, and by working on these shoulder spine and neck exercises will begin to create more shoulder mobility and flexibility.

Tell me about your shoulders- do you have trouble with your shoulders? Do you have a shoulder injury you are working to rehab? Do you feel a difference in the way that your shoulders move since you started Autoimmune Strong?


Day 23: Tuesday


Day 21: Sunday