Day 30: Tuesday
I am SO SO proud of you all! Every single one of you!!! You completed your first Autoimmune Strong 30 Day Challenge. Thank you for showing up for yourself, for trusting the process- and I hope you got what you needed!!!
My goal for this 30 Day Challenge was to show you that you can do this on your own- you just need to not talk yourself out of it! I saw each and every one of you practice this skill over the past 30 Days- and so what I hope you have learned is that it’s not as hard as it seems to squeeze in just a few minutes of dedicated time for yourself- and that it actually improves all the other areas of your life too!
I would love to hear your feedback on this challenge. What did you love? What did you hate? What would you keep? What would you change? Would you do it again? Email me and tell me all the things!
I am excited for you all to keep going- onwards and upwards! Don’t stop exercising- take what you learned about yourself here and make it happen! AND… join the post-30 Day Challenge Facebook group so you can keep each other accountable and moving forward.
And whatever you do- KEEP GOING!!!
With so much love,
Your Coach,