The 30-day Challenge
Day 10: Wednesday
My calendar B and C folks- today is REST DAY! So... let’s talk about the importance of rest and recovery when it comes to movement. Calendar A folks, listen up too, this is important info, your rest day is coming soon.
When we live with chronic illness, rest days are our default. When our body hurts, we assume that movement will make it hurt more. As we discussed in the masterclass, this is our body's natural protective instinct. To withdraw, to close up, like a flower that closes up in the rain or cold weather. But- this is actually the opposite of what we need for the long term health of our body. We need to keep moving in order to keep the muscles healthy, the joints healthy, our blood and lymph and oxygen systems flowing- and the more we stop moving, the more clogged up our body becomes.
So- why are rest days listed on the calendar? Well, while constant rest days day after day clog up our system and need to be avoided, rest days become important when combined with exercise. It’s like how we say the “right” kind of exercise is good for us but the “wrong” kind of exercise hurts us? Well, the same goes for rest- there is a “right” kind of rest and a “wrong” kind of rest. Rest is good and necessary if we are exercising and challenging new muscle groups- we need to give our bodies the opportunity to recover and rejuvenate before we can begin again. Rest days are also essential for flare-up recovery and prevention. If you remember from the masterclass, too much physical stress on our system piles up and can trigger a flare-up. Giving our system the time and space to take a break from the pressure of exercise helps manage the physical stress we experience from exercise. So, your rest days are a very important part of your exercise routine. Don’t skip them- but don’t extend them either!
Accountability: A rest day is a good opportunity to incorporate another form of self-care into your daily routine, like meditation, sauna or Epsom salt bath. So tell me, what are you doing on this rest day? Or share it on the Facebook page!
Exercise for Calendar A folks: Practice Day Three: Rest or Foot/Ankle
Day 9: Tuesday
You did it! Exercise day 1 down! Take a minute to celebrate.
I know it may sound silly, but I am serious. Day 1 was hard- probably the hardest of all the days. It has the most steps, the most to-dos- and it’s hardest to rip the bandaid off and do something that is uncomfortable. So we have to celebrate.
One of the things we are going to practice here is the celebration of small steps. Because generally, we are so hard on ourselves. When it comes to exercise, we have been conditioned to think that it needs to be hard and sweaty and lengthy- and that if we do less than that then we are lazy. And as you saw in Day One- the Autoimmune Strong exercises are not like that at all. They are gentle and quick and don’t even require exercise clothes or a sports bra. And I am sure that after one day of 5 to 30 seconds of abdominal bracing, some of you thought- hmm, that isn’t really exercise. It’s not going to help me. BUT… if you trust me and the thousands of others who have gone through Autoimmune Strong and seen results… slow and steady exercise like this really does work. AND, we need to stop putting so much pressure on ourselves to do these really big hard things, and just celebrate the baby steps we are taking each and every day. (And if you didn’t get started yesterday? No problem, just email me and tell me what stopped you from starting!)
Ok- onto Day 2. If you are on calendar B or C, you are going to repeat day one abdominal bracing. Ab bracing is foundational for so many reasons- a strong core is essential to prevent joint pain, back pain, and neck pain, and having a strong core will even help prevent future injury. As for flare-up reduction- by adding a little pressure to the body by squeezing the transverse abdominis, we are beginning to teach the body how to handle a teeny tiny bit of stress… just enough stress for the body to begin the process of adaption.
If you are on calendar A, it’s foam rolling time. Don’t be scared- foam rolling is another essential foundation of Autoimmune Strong. It can be a bit complicated in the beginning, but I promise it’s worth it. So get your foam roller and get started!
And as always, PLEASE message me, either through the facebook group or the link below, and tell me how it’s going. That’s how you will get the most personalized experience, I will respond with feedback that is pertinent to you and your body!
Important information you need to know:
A strong core is essential to prevent joint pain, back pain, and neck pain, and having a strong core will even help prevent future injury, especially around joints such as neck, shoulders, hips and knees.
As for flare-up reduction- by adding a little pressure to the body by squeezing the transverse abdominis, we are beginning to teach the body how to handle a teeny tiny bit of stress… just enough stress for the body to begin the process of adaption.
1. Do something for yourself to celebrate doing your day 1 exercise! And if you didn’t get to day 1? No worries! Practice the evaluation technique we worked on last week. What limiting things got in the way? How can you overcome them today?
2. Exercise: Practice Day 2 on the Calendar!
3. How are you feeling? How did you like abdominal bracing? Send me feedback on how it went! Was it hard? Was it easy? Was it confusing? Was it effective? Did you do it- or did life get in the way? What did you do to celebrate day 1? Whatever it is, please tell me!
Day 8: Monday
Today we begin the process of exercise!!!!!
As we dig in- you will see why the week long setup process was important. This will help you stick with the process as we go!!!
Now- remember those short and long term goals? Put them somewhere visible. Make sure you remember them and use them as the inspiration you need to make your exercise happen today.
And remember the stressors that you listed- of things that will knock you off your path? Remember the ideas you brainstormed of ways for you to manage these stressors? Now is the time to put this in to practice!
And finally- remember how you selected the appropriate calendar for you? Are you an over-exerciser? An under-exerciser? Did you pick A, B or C?
Now- no matter what calendar you selected- all calendars begin with day one: abdominal bracing.
If you haven’t started this yet…
In the Autoimmune Strong instructional video, you will learn more about why this exercise is important, what it does for your body, and how to perform the exercise itself. And please note that there are two different ways to perform the exercise: on the floor and on the wall. If you have trouble getting up and down off the floor, make sure you watch the modification video.
There is a reason that I start Autoimmune Strong with this exercise. Abdominal bracing is a perfect illustration of an exercise that is great during flare-up recovery, or at the beginning of the journey to flare-up prevention.
It can be done anywhere and anytime. I’m actually doing it right now as I am talking to you!
It won’t make you sweaty or tired, which are things we want to avoid because they raise our stress levels.
It’s the perfect example of a micro exercise- just a teeny tiny little bit exposes your body to just a smidge of pressure. Adapt to that pressure through repetition, and then you can increase the challenge.
And it works really essential core stabilizing muscles- so it’s really effective. - but you may feel sore tomorrow. If you do, that’s ok. Second, we can make this exercise easy or more difficult. In the video I recommend holding for 30 seconds, but if you are someone who hasn’t exercised in a really long time, or if you are having a flare-up right now, you want to start with less. I often recommend starting with a 5 second hold and working up from there.
Today’s Action Steps:
Exercise: Practice Day 1 on the calendar: Ab Bracing
Follow Andrea’s video instructions to make this exercise more personalized to you:
Did you watch the first video?
Did you see the modification video option (which is great for people who have trouble getting up and down off the floor)
Did you hear Andrea’s intensity recommendations? If the 30 seconds I recommend in the video is too long to start with, I recommend holding for 30 seconds, but if you are someone who hasn’t exercised in a really long time, or if you are having a flare-up right now, or you are living with a ton of stress, or your body just really hurts right now, you will want to start with less. If you said yes to any of these questions, I recommend starting with a 1-5 second hold for this week.
Accountability: Post on the Facebook group your feedback on how it went! Have you done it before? Was it hard? Was it easy? Was it confusing? Was it effective? Did you do it- or did life get in the way? If you have done it before, did you learn anything new when you did it again? Whatever it is, please share with the group!
Day 7: Sunday
Today is the second day of exercise planning and prep.
We get started with the Autoimmune Strong Calendars tomorrow.
For those of you who are struggling to get started- here are the keys. Before we can exercise, we have to figure out when and how we are going to exercise. By planning ahead, you are more likely to actually make your exercise happen.
So here are the questions you need to consider:
Which Autoimmune Strong calendar will I be following? Take this quiz to find out which calendar is right for me.
When can I find time in my day to exercise?
When do I have the most energy?
Where am I going to exercise?
How much time do I need to set aside for exercise? (Tip: Check out the calendar you chose and check out the videos listed on it so there are no surprises!)
Don’t forget to include rest days!
Don’t worry- I am going to help you answer all of these questions! I want you to read the Autoimmune Strong Exercise Guide, which is chock full of information you need to help you make these decisions.
Step #1
Read the Autoimmune Strong Exercise Guide and take the quiz so you can select your calendar.
Step #2
Plan ahead for next week. Take a look at the calendar you selected and the daily workout assignments. Watch the beginning video or two. Get familiar with what’s coming, so you can plan properly. The calendars start on Monday, and we will all begin together. So- look ahead on your personal calendar and schedule your exercise in for each day. It can look like this:
On Monday, I will
do this workout: _____________
At this time: ________________
In this location: ______________
For this length of time: ________
Repeat this for each day of the week. You can use the Autoimmune Strong Journal for this.
Step #3
Post on the facebook group and answer this question:
As I looked at my calendar for next week and I started planning out when, where and how I was going to exercise, I began to feel:________
(Hint Hint: We are going to talk about this tomorrow!!! It’s very important that you do these steps, even if they feel awkward)
Exercise: If you have started abdominal bracing keep it up! Practice it again 1-3 times today, with a 1-30 second hold. If you haven’t started yet and you are ready to do so, click here to watch the video. And if you are on your own program, keep going!
Day 6: Saturday
Today is the first day of exercise planning and prep.
I want you to watch video 2 in the series: foam rolling. I also want you to watch the corresponding modification video.
Foam rolling is one of the cornerstones of Autoimmune Strong. For those of you who have done this before, you know that foam rolling is a major contributor to decreased pain and flare-up.
Today’s homework is to pick the correct tools for foam rolling.
There is no 1 right tool- there is just the right tool for you.
Check out the extras section
Order your foam roller.
I can’t wait for you to begin this transformative process!
Please share on Facebook- are you excited about foam rolling? Are you nervous about it? Have you tried this before? If so- share your experience! You can email me too!
Exercise: If you have started abdominal bracing keep it up! Practice it again 1-3 times today, with a 1-30 second hold. If you haven’t started yet and you are ready to do so, click here to watch the video. And if you are on your own program, keep going!
Day 5: Friday
Yesterday, we set both long and short term goals.
This is incredibly important when it comes to sticking with good habits like exercise. If we only have a long term goal? Then it takes too long to reach that goal and we get overwhelmed and give up before we get there. If we only have a short term goal? We don’t have the inspiration, the big picture, ahead of us to keep us moving forward. So- the combination of long and short term goals are the most important. If you haven’t taken the time to do these goal setting activities? I truly encourage you to go back and do them. They will help you immensely.
Now, it’s time to create a workable strategy. How are we going to make these goals a reality?
The first thing we need to identify is our stressors.
In the masterclass, I spoke about how environmental, physical and emotional stressors contribute to flare-ups- and that we have to learn how to manage our stressors in order to be able to reduce our flare-ups.
Today’s 3 Actions:
Brainstorm: What are your top three stressors in your life? Let’s identify the top three things that are getting in your way of getting your exercise done.
For each stressor, as yourself: Is it possible to eliminate this stressor from my life?
If the answer is no, then how can you make this stressor more manageable?
Share it with me, or in the facebook page. And when you share- I want you to consider… There is always a way to make something more manageable, even if the dedication is simply “I can breathe more deeply through the moments of stress.”
So get creative, think positively, and decide how you are going to keep these stressors from getting in your way of your goals.
Exercise: We are still working on habit setting! This is ESPECIALLY important in the beginning, so please don’t rush through it!
If you are new to the program, or beginning again at the beginning… we are not going to move forward with exercise yet. We going to continue with abdominal bracing- and we will be doing so for the rest of the week. If you started abdominal bracing yesterday, practice it again 1-3 times today, with a 1-30 second hold. If you are ready to start, click here to watch the video. And if you do want to go forward and try the next video- you can certainly do so- but ask yourself- am I overdoing??
And if you are a member working through your calendar… then just keep going! You are doing great!
Day 4: Thursday
Thank you for sharing your goals yesterday!
Today we are going to get a little deeper here and talk about long term goals vs short term goals.
Yesterday, you wrote your inspirations and goals out. I want you to look at them again and evaluate them. Are they long term goals or short term goals?
Long term goals are goals that are big dreams. Things that will take you awhile to accomplish. This that are not necessarily tangible, but that you will know when you get there. My original goal was “To live pain free so I can be the fun mom I always wanted to be.” It’s not very specific, and it was a very long term goal. But after working towards it for a long time, one day I realized- I made it! I am here!
Short term goals are more specific, and drive us forward day by day. I like to make short term goals to be really achievable- because if you get to your short term goal, there is a feeling of pride that keeps you going.
Short term goals can be things like: I am going to do my Autoimmune Strong exercise every other day for two weeks OR I want to be able to do 30 seconds of abdominal bracing without stopping.
So- take a look at your goal setting and evaluate- is your goal short term or long term? Is it tangible or vague? Then- modify your goals accordingly.
On the journal, complete the long term goal and short term goal section.
This is practice for things to come. If this feels really uncomfortable to you- tell me about it!!!!
Today’s 3 Steps:
In the Autoimmune Strong Journal, evaluate your goals from yesterday- are they long term or short term?
Create new or updated goals- long term and short term.
Share them with the Facebook group or email me below- and tell us about this goal setting process and how it’s going for you!
Exercise: Remember on Day 1 when I told you that this was habit setting week? If you are new to the program, or beginning again at the beginning… we are not going to move forward with exercise yet. We going to continue with abdominal bracing- and we will be doing so for the rest of the week. If you started abdominal bracing yesterday, practice it again 1-3 times today, with a 1-30 second hold. If you are ready to start, click here to watch the video. And if you do want to go forward and try the next video- you can certainly do so- but ask yourself- am I overdoing??
And if you are a member working through your calendar… then just keep going! You are doing great!
Day 3: Wednesday
Goal Setting.
It’s very important to have something inspiring your journey, that will keep you going when times get tough. Because they will get tough- we live with autoimmune disease! It’s just a fact of life. So we need to be prepared with our best tools.
Today, I ask you to think about your inspiration.
Why are you here?
What do you want to accomplish?
What do you want to change in your life through daily exercise?
Here’s mine:
My personal inspiration was born from the fact that I was simply tired of being the mom who always said no, I can’t. Whenever my kids asked me to play, I would say, No, sorry I can’t. And I realized that my chronic pain was taking my most valuable thing away from me- my joy and laughter and time spent with my kids.
This was back in 2012-2016, and my goal was “To live pain free so I can be the fun mom I always wanted to be.”
As I have gone through my healing journey, and I have gotten much stronger and more capable, I no longer have to say no. I now say yes, all the time. My kids can’t remember a time when their mom wasn’t strong enough. And since then, my life has changed significantly. Back then, I had quit my job because I was too exhausted and sick to work. But now- I have enough energy and zest for life that I now spend my days working, AND taking care of the kids, and all of the other things!! So, my goals have now shifted a bit.
My goal is now “To stay flare-up free so I can work hard on making Autoimmune Strong the best it can be, while still having energy left over for myself and my family, AND energy in my reserves for the next day and the day after that.”
These inspirations are the backbone to every choice I make. Every time I chose a healthy food option or I made time in my busy day to exercise, or I chose to take a rest. I do those things because they will help me feel my best so that I have the best possible chance of achieving my my goal.
My goals are not focused on delivering upon other people’s expectations. These goals are focused on me and my dreams. Don’t let your dreams and goals be about pleasing anyone else but you, ok?
So tell me: What’s your goal? What inspires and drives you to live flare-up and pain free?
In the Autoimmune Strong Journal, there is a space for goal setting. I want you to make notes about what your inspiration is.
Why are you doing this?
How do you want to feel when this is over?
Complete this sentence:
“I want to live pain free so I can…
Post your sentence completion here and share it with the Facebook group.
Exercise: If you started abdominal bracing yesterday, practice it again 1-3 times today, with a 1-30 second hold. If you haven’t started yet and you feel ready to do so today, click here to watch the video. If you are working through the program on your own- keep going! And remember, I am always here to help, so email me with any and all questions!
Day 2: Tuesday
“After doing Autoimmune Strong, here are the changes I experienced:
— I now exercise on a regular basis; it’s now a part of my schedule, BUT . . .
— I’ve also learned how to listen to my body and take breaks or do modifications; pushing harder is not the answer
— I’ve gotten stronger . . . enough to have a good foundation to build on
— I learned how to manage a flare without completely throwing in the towel; and that I CAN improve - I just have to do it the way MY body needs it :)”
It was so awesome to meet you all yesterday!
Thank you all for sharing your stories with me- and with each other. I think it’s so important to understand that you are not alone in this.
I know you started the 30 Day Challenge yesterday expecting to begin the workout.
I told you this was different from traditional 30 Day Challenges!
You would have been doing 100 burpees by now!
But not here at Autoimmune Strong.
This week is all about preparation, which is incredibly important, setting a good foundation is perhaps even more important than the workout itself- it will prevent you from “falling off the wagon” in the days to come.
Success comes over the long term, through consistency not intensity.
Yesterday, you made the commitment to me and to the others in the group that you will trust this process. But most importantly, you made the commitment to yourself that you will trust this process, and show up for this!
Today, we begin the exercise process.
If you are a brand new member or a returning member who is starting over or starting for the first time, begin by watching Video 1: Abdominal Bracing in Level 1, as well as the corresponding modification video.
You have the following options:
You can simply watch the video. You do not need to practice the movement just yet. Just watching is a great step towards preparing for that brain to body connection. Your body will have a better concept of what it is supposed to do if you watch the video first.
Watch the modification video and decide which version of abdominal bracing is right for you- on the floor or on the wall. They both work great. Pick the one that you think matches your body where it’s at.
If you feel ready to practice the move, go for it (but no pressure, just watching is totally fine). The next decision you need to make is how long to hold it for. The 30 seconds instructed in the video might be way too much for you in the beginning. So, start with what feels doable. A 1 second hold, a 5 second hold, a 10 second hold- any of these options are great.
If you are a returning member who is already working through the program- you have a choice.
You can go back to the beginning and practice abdominal bracing again- which has tons of benefits. Going back to the beginning helps you to do deeper, and to discover things in a new way. You will see how your muscles engage in a new deeper way.
Keep going forward with your current plan. This is great too! Each day with the 30 Day Challenge will be a little different, some days will be exercise focused, and many more will be mindset and behavior focused- so you will learn a lot regardless.
Today’s task is to email me and tell me: what is your plan of action for Day 2?
And… after you watch the first video or do your exercise today, please post on Facebook and tell us all how it went!
Day 1: Monday: Let’s Get This Started!
Today we begin! It’s Day 1 of the 30 Day Challenge!
Watch this video and follow the instructions.
You can do this! I believe in you!!!
You are amazing for showing up on Day 1! That is a huge step in- so you should be proud of yourself.
Week 1 is all about creating habits. We are not going to push hard. Instead, we are going to just get used to the process of showing up.
Today, on Day 1, your homework is all around solidifying the commitment you made to yourself to be here.
Here are your first steps:
Step One:
Click the button below and tell me that you will trust this process and that you will do your best to show up for 30 days. This will help you deepen your commitment to yourself- because when you put that commitment in writing, you will be more successful in making it happen.
Step Two:
Join the 30 Day Challenge Members Only Facebook Group and introduce yourself.
Tell the group why you chose to participate in the 30 Day Challenge. Finish your introduction with this statement: “I promise to trust this process, no matter what obstacles stand in my way.”
(This step is optional- you don’t have to be a Facebook member to participate in the Challenge.)
Step Three:
(for new members, or members who want to begin again at the beginning):
Go the to the Start Here Page and:
Follow the instructions
Read the Intro Guide and…
Select your calendar. Are you A, B, or C?
We will begin with the first exercise tomorrow. So use today to deepen that commitment to yourself, and make a promise to show up again tomorrow. Baby steps will move you forward to the big win!
With Love,