Testimonial 3


"I am 24 years old and have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Major Clinical Depression, and Anxiety. Doctors had constantly told me to exercise but with my depression and anxiety I hated going to the gym. Everyone else around me was so fit while I was barely able to walk normally.

One day I came across Autoimmune Strong and it gave me hope that one day I would be strong enough to get back to dancing the night away at a party. It was difficult at first to do the program every week but now that a buddy system was introduced it's been great having my buddy remind me to do the workouts. It's nice to know that if she can do it, I can do it! Some days I do feel pain but I try not to over push myself and try to keep in mind Andrea's words to do things at my own pace.

That's why I love this program, it's a program created for people like me. Usually programs are too hard for me to keep up physically but with this, I feel I can go at my own pace and it's not too harsh on the body. I have a long way to go but I know I can get to where I want to be. Thank you Andrea for this program and for being so closely involved with the Autoimmune Community!"


Testimonial 1


Testimonial 3