Testimonial 12
“ Loved everything! Especially that you make it so easy for us with this Challenge! It gave me so much more inside, and time to think about the difficult things of exercise for me (like pain and fear of flare-ups), and time to write down the solutions. And it made everything so much easier to do it together!”
Testimonial 11
“I loved the daily emails and encouragement to “keep it going”. This was my intro to Autoimmune strong and it was a great way to get to know you, Andrea, I now see how I can fit exercise into my day, every day, and have made it a habit due to this 30 days.”
Testimonial 10
“ It was easy to access and to follow. Explanations and videos were clear. The program is at a good pace. Loved the Facebook group. Loved the daily emails to keep us on track.”
Testimonail 9
“I loved the daily update on what I needed to do. I loved the motivation of the challenge and accountability.”
Testimonial 8
“You taught me how a little exercise every day can be managed into my life and in between flares.I love that there’s people out there feeling like me and doing the same exercise program to make ourselves feel better.”
Testimonial 7
“The first week of defining our goals and identifying motivation was so helpful. I am a charge into it and burn out quick kind of person and that really helped me ease into it for the long haul. “
Testimonial 6
“ I learned so much about redefining "exercise" and setting reachable goals, working on mind/body too, discovering a mountain of new information. This is just the tip of the iceberg! I learned to love myself more and be gentle and accepting of myself every moment. I feel less helpless and more grounded. I discovered daily just how vulnerable my body is now, but i learned more about my limits and needs. I found that I CAN improve by taking baby steps.”
Testimonal 5
“I really loved this whole challenge! Even though I had already begun the program on my own, being walked through the start of it again, step-by-step with a few additional thoughts/reflections at each point along the way was helpful--confirming some things, reaffirming others, reviewing, revisiting some of the parts that I still need to really think through.
Also, I loved having a daily email thought and focus. Even on the days I was too sick or tired to really do much with them or fill out the check-in form, it became a habit to read the thought for the day and it got my mind working on the exercise thing, simmering it on the back burner :)
The check-ins were nice when I was able to do them. As a teacher, I love critical thinking questions, though I'm often more used to being on the asking end than the answering end. I found the reflection questions helpful in many ways--breaking down my process, noting my challenges and progress, and (most surprising of all) helping make my celebrations more concrete.”
Testimonial 3
“Knowing that the group was there and you could reach out anytime to the group. I loved how everyone came together and supported each other! Love my AIS sister's”
Testimonial 2
“I loved having a focus for each day and going through why each part of the workout program is important and what it can do for us both physically and mentally. I also really loved having a place to check-in, I’m usually pretty independent with things but knowing there was a bunch of us all working towards the same goal was actually really nice.”
Testimonial 1
“I loved the way this challenge started. It didn’t go straight to exercise but with the reminders of why it is important. It made it easy to not fail the first week and thus I kept going cause I was already a week in so why not finish the whole 30 days.”