Tori Cox Tori Cox

Testimonial 9


“I'm so glad I found this program! I feel like I can finally exercise without hurting my body and I have finally found someone that understands exercise and autoimmune diseases. AND- since I started this program, I have not had a mast cell disorder reaction- which is incredible!“

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Tori Cox Tori Cox

Testimonial 8


"The Autoimmune Strong program has been effective for me in terms of bringing me less pain, more flexibility, more energy. I am happy to share that these workouts are giving me a lot of relief. I slept 8 hrs last night! I didn't have to get up because of too much pain. I am having more good days and I am greedy for more!

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Tori Cox Tori Cox

Testimonial 12


“Doing Autoimmune Strong everyday has made a world of difference in controlling my pain. After a busy week or weekend, I know the workouts will help me feel better. ” 

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Tori Cox Tori Cox

Testimonial 11


“Autoimmune Strong has helped me get back in touch with my body! I used to go to the gym and run before getting ill and previous attempts to start exercising again have led to flare ups... but Autoimmune Strong has helped me break the cyyle of flare-ups. It has helped me learn the benefit of a little a day rather than a lot a few times a week. I was doing a little a day with other activities in my life including walking but when I started exercising my head was stuck in old patterns of pushing to hard. It is so joyous to now be making progress and moving my body again. The workout and instructional videos are great and energise me! I am so glad I joined the program."

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Tori Cox Tori Cox

Testimonial 10


“After just a few months of Autoimmune Strong, I feel myself getting stronger again, and better balanced. I am able to exercise almost daily and be better for it rather than worse. I am so happy to finally be able to exercise consistently and feel good with it!”

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Tori Cox Tori Cox

Testimonial 9


“This program works! It can feel like you're really not doing much at all the first month but slow and steady really does win the race! Andrea is absolutely awesome in answering questions and giving encouragement. I highly recommend."

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Tori Cox Tori Cox

testimonial 7


"I really like Autoimmune Strong because it has a structure to follow, but there is also compassion. There is a gentle nudge to move each day, but no shame if I can’t. That combination helps me love forward in my health journey more than anything else has."

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Tori Cox Tori Cox

Testimonial 6


“I am feeling accomplished because I can actually DO this! It is not only helping me physically, but mentally too, and it has reduced my stress levels immensely. I am feeling so much better.”

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Tori Cox Tori Cox

Testimonial 4


I started Autoimmune Strong after my immunologist said that it’s been shown that a graded exercise program really helps people with Chronic Fatigue. 

I’ve also been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and was feeling extra tired (and unfit).  I needed something that didn’t cause a flare-up, was self-paced, affordable and I could do from home. This course fitted all those requirements. I’ve gone slowly with it at my own pace, but have already reached my first goal: to be able to do my housework! I’m feeling fitter and stronger than I have for years and have had no flare-ups from the program. People have also noticed that I am standing straighter and taller! Andrea is warm and bubbly and understanding and I find her instructional videos are easy to follow. I’m really grateful to have found this program having tried and failed at other programs.

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Tori Cox Tori Cox

Testimonial 1


“I cried after watching the first video, because I have struggled so much with finding a movement specialist who understands how autoimmune illness works. To hear you talk about your journey, and to hear that you not only feel better, but actually feel healthy and strong and can now do "normal" exercise was a relief and an inspiration.

I'm doing great... I'm really excited. I'm a go getter and an over-doer, but I've also been incredibly ill for almost three years. So it has been a challenge for me to accept my limitations and not just charge ahead. But I stuck with [the program as recommended] and accepted that my abs and pelvic floor were weak and needed time to strengthen, and they are getting stronger every day. Thank you for creating this program.”

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Tori Cox Tori Cox

Testimonial 3


"I am 24 years old and have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Major Clinical Depression, and Anxiety. Doctors had constantly told me to exercise but with my depression and anxiety I hated going to the gym. Everyone else around me was so fit while I was barely able to walk normally.

One day I came across Autoimmune Strong and it gave me hope that one day I would be strong enough to get back to dancing the night away at a party. It was difficult at first to do the program every week but now that a buddy system was introduced it's been great having my buddy remind me to do the workouts. It's nice to know that if she can do it, I can do it! Some days I do feel pain but I try not to over push myself and try to keep in mind Andrea's words to do things at my own pace.

That's why I love this program, it's a program created for people like me. Usually programs are too hard for me to keep up physically but with this, I feel I can go at my own pace and it's not too harsh on the body. I have a long way to go but I know I can get to where I want to be. Thank you Andrea for this program and for being so closely involved with the Autoimmune Community!"

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Tori Cox Tori Cox

Testimonial 3


"Autoimmune Strong is making a world of difference in my life...

The self-paced program is easy to follow and easy to customize to your needs. Some of the exercises seem so easy and simple you will question why you are doing them. Believe me when I say you will know the next day!  And you will be glad you listened when Andrea told you not to push yourself. 

Before Autoimmune Strong there were places on my body I could not tolerate being touched they hurt so much. Today most of those places are gone and the touch of my husband's hand on my back doesn't bring agony. The only soreness I feel these days is the good healthy soreness of working my muscles. And that, my friends, is an amazing feeling. I encourage you to give this program a try. I honestly do not think you will be disappointed." 

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