Challenge Prep #1: Everything you need to know about Prep Week!
I’m popping into your inbox with your first “official” Challenge Prep email for Autoimmune Strong’s 14 Day Challenge.
Today, I’m discussing why we need to take time to prepare for a challenge, and how that preparation commits us to showing up.
I want you to feel strong and confident on your first day of this Challenge. No wondering about what equipment to use or where to find the link…I want you to just be able to show up and do the thing.
The good news is that you can breathe easy and relax. I am here to make this Challenge easy for you.
In this Challenge, I am going to guide you slowly into habit-forming, progressive exercise that may feel small or insignificant at first but is actually the foundation of what good fitness is built on.
Once we are successful with teeny tiny baby steps, we can continue to be successful and add more to our routine when the time is right.
Now, the first step towards success is preparation. That’s why we are starting with these Challenge Prep emails. They are the first step towards preparing your mind and body for the Challenge.
In the upcoming Challenge Prep for Success emails, you will receive prompts on the following topics:
How to select the equipment you will need and where to purchase it (don’t worry, all you need is a foam roller!)
How to set up your physical surroundings at home so they’re conducive to exercise.
How to successfully make time in your daily life for your exercises.
How to “think” about exercise, because the proper mindset is an essential component to success at accomplishing this Challenge.
Details on how this Challenge will work so you know exactly what to expect
And details on how to access the Challenge Facebook page, so we can all communicate, support and encourage each other when the Challenge begins!
Today’s Challenge Prep For Success Tip: Get excited!!!! Tell your friends and family! The Challenge countdown begins! We start in just 1 week!
I believe in you! I know you can do this!
With strength + love.
Your Coach,
PS. Stay tuned for your Challenge Prep For Success Email #2, all about exercise equipment, coming to your inbox tomorrow!
Challenge Prep #2: What Exercise Equipment Do I Need?
The first question I always get is this: what equipment do I need?
The good news is that you don’t need much equipment to be successful at this Challenge.
I do recommend using a yoga mat to denote my workout space and give me a comfy place to put my body, but that’s not a requirement. Here is a link to a few yoga mat options.
But there is one essential tool that really helps to transform your body—a foam roller!
Foam rolling is one of the most important cornerstones of Autoimmune Strong.
Don’t worry if you haven’t heard of foam rolling yet. I am going to teach all about it in the Challenge. BUT I want you to have the right tool so you are ready for action on our foam rolling Challenge day.
I swear- foam rolling will change your life- so it's worth it to buy the right tool.
Here are my three favorite foam rolling equipment options:
I have included links here so you can buy the one that best works for you (and I do receive an affiliate commission) but you can also find them at your local big box store or sometimes even at the Dollar Store. Foam rollers don’t have to be expensive to work wonders!
The Tiger Tail: This is my favorite foam roller option for people with limited mobility, restricted joint movement and difficulty getting up and down off the floor. You can use this standing or sitting in a chair!
Traditional Foam Roller: If you are mobile enough to get up and down off the floor easily, then you should start with this foam roller. The Amazon link I posted here shows you the shorter version- but make sure you purchase the full length option (36"), so you can foam roll your whole body and do some shoulder openers as well (which I will teach you in video 5). This one is medium density which works for most people, but if you are highly sensitive to pain and pressure, you could try this white version, which is a little softer.
The Infinity Foam Roller: This happens to be my favorite foam roller option, but I had to work up to it over time. I recommend this one to people who are freely mobile and who have previous exercise experience. The grey one is the softest and is best for highly sensitive people.
The Mini Infinity Roller: I am going to teach you how to foam roll your feet, which I promise you will love. You can use a tennis ball or a golf ball or something similar you have around your house, but many members love having this specific foot foam rolling tool to make their feet sing!
So, pick the foam roller you think will work best for you!
Today’s Challenge Prep For Success Tip: Pick your foam rolling tool and order it. Future you will thank you for being prepared on the foam rolling Challenge day. You will feel prepared and confident!
With Strength & Love.
Your Coach,
PS. Any questions about which foam roller is right for you? Just reply to this email and Alissa (our Autoimmune Strong Coach) will help you out! I believe in you! I know you can do this!
Challenge Prep #3: Where do I exercise? And what should I wear?
We get a lot of questions about how to set up our workout space, what clothes to wear and what equipment to buy, so here are all the answers!
It’s a little long, so I made it into a blog. Click here to read it!
Today’s Challenge Prep For Success Tip: Decide where you want to exercise and get your space set up. Also, talk to your friends and family about the Challenge and ask them to cheer you on!
With strength + love.
Your Coach,
PS. Did you know? There are Autoimmune Strong t-shirts, tanks and sweatshirts available for you to workout in! They are super comfy and soft, and I always wear mine to workout because it inspires me to be strong and keep showing up for myself.
Challenge Prep #4: Feeling Overwhelmed Yet?
Hi there!
I know, I know… it’s a lot of emails and the Challenge hasn’t even started yet!
Are you keeping up? Most likely, you are not…because there are lots of other things going on in your life. And this process can be overwhelming.
Don’t worry, I am going to give you the weekend to get caught up and settled. The prep week emails have been about getting your equipment and space all set up, so if you need the weekend to do that, it’s no problem at all!
(You can find all the prep week emails stored in the portal and if you need help finding it, click here for video instructions).
But… more importantly I wanted to troubleshoot the concept of “making time” with you.
I know your health is important to you.
I know your exercise is important to you.
I know feeling good is important to you.
But yet- obstacles are going to get in your way that are going to keep you from making time for this challenge.
If you don't make time for your exercise- then nothing changes. In order to see the change in our bodies (and our minds and our moods) then we have to make a little time for this Challenge.
So- how do we prioritize it?
Here are my three tips to making this challenge a priority in your life for the next two weeks:
Plan ahead: Look at your daily schedule for the next two weeks and decide: when are you going to exercise? Are you a morning person? Or is it best to do it at night? When are you most likely to make this happen for yourself?
Prepare yourself: Consider: What can you do to prepare for your exercise the next day? Would laying out your clothes, yoga mat and foam roller the night before help? Would setting a reminder in your phone help? Would asking a friend or family member to check in with you help? You can put that into motion now, ahead of time.
Be kind to yourself: Recognize that there will be days that you don’t get your exercise in. Brainstorm ahead of time. When you miss your exercises, what will you do? Will you let that knock you off course? Or will you just begin again the next day? (For the record, I recommend beginning again the next day. One or two missed days does not mean that the Challenge is over for you!)
Today’s Challenge Prep For Success Tip: Follow these three tips, and re-commit to yourself: I will do this, as best I can! This is your mantra- and repeating it often will help inspire you to keep going.
I believe in you! You got this!!!
With Strength & Love.
Your Coach,
Challenge Prep #5: Preparing Our Mindset for the Challenge
Only three more days until the Challenge begins!!!!!
Mindset is super important to our success in this Challenge.
We have to avoid the obstacle of “losing steam” which is very common and happens to many of us. But it doesn’t have to be that way!
Here’s what happens:
When we sign up for something like a 14 day fitness challenge, we are of course initially very excited! A chance to change up our routine? To carve out space for a new way of working out? Excited about potential results that we’ll both see and feel? Sign us up!
But…we often get overwhelmed by the flood of excitement so much that it can wear down by the time we are actually set to begin. That’s when the fear and doubt set in, and we start to wonder if we can actually do this.
And then…we get paralyzed by all the worries. “What if I can’t do it? What if it’s too hard? I have tried things like this before and I haven’t been able to complete them, why would this time be any different?” The voices in our heads become louder…
And finally- they take over. These mental head games then lead to us giving up before we even gave ourselves a chance to really get started.
Can you relate? I bet you can!
But here’s the thing: This time WILL be different.
You can breathe easy and relax. I am here to make this Challenge easy for you. I recognize these patterns, and I am going to show you how to overcome them.
In this Challenge, I am going to guide you slowly into habit-forming, progressive exercise that may feel small or insignificant at first but is actually the foundation of what good fitness is built on.
Each day, you will receive an email with your daily Challenge instructions. We will alternate between exercise days and mindset days because exercise and mindset go hand in hand. This is what will actually make the Challenge doable. Together, we will overcome the obstacles that have knocked you off course in the past so you can see how to move forward with a healthy consistent exercise routine.
Today’s Challenge Prep For Success Tip: Acknowledge the uneasy and fearful feelings that might be bubbling up now that you have committed to this Challenge. Tell yourself that they’re OK. These feelings are common. You are in a safe space. This Challenge is designed for you- to help hold your hand through the obstacles. We are going to do this together!
I believe in you! I know you can do this!
With strength + love.
Your Coach,
PS. If you are feeling super overwhelmed and don’t feel like this Challenge is going to work for you, and you want a more personalized coaching experience, check out our small group coaching program, enrolling now for the Fall session!
Challenge Prep #6: Thinking Small
Hey there!
Have you ever considered how much your mindset plays into your physical exercise?
So much of what we do physically, what we believe we’re capable of, what we tell ourselves is too much or too little, doesn’t have to do with our bodies, but actually, with our thoughts.
The #1 reason people don’t complete the Challenge?
They think too big.
Now, I am not against big thinking, in fact, in many instances, I encourage people to think and dream big!
BUT in order to get to the finish line of any big goal, we have to break it down into small steps. And that’s where the big thinking gets in the way.
The key to success in this Challenge is going to be all about thinking small and SHIFTING our MINDSET.
Because small steps lead to big changes.
So, as we get closer to the start date of this Challenge (T-minus 2 days!) I want to let you know what to expect…
We are going to be addressing our physical exercise and our exercise mindset in the Challenge!
They go hand in hand. You’ll see. There’s a method to my madness, I promise.
Today’s Challenge Prep For Success Tip: Take the time today and tomorrow to catch up. Read all the past prep week emails (you can find them on the portal here) and get ready for some action on Monday! Prepare your mind and body to trust the process and go with the flow. You’ll see, there is magic here!
I believe in you! I know you can do this!
With strength + love.
Your Coach,
PS. If you are feeling super overwhelmed and don’t feel like the Challenge is going to work for you, and you want a more personalized coaching experience, check out our small group coaching program, enrolling soon!
The Challenge Begins Tomorrow!!!
It’s finally HERE!!!!
Tomorrow’s the big DAY!!!!
So, here’s what to expect:
There will be an email awaiting you in the morning titled: Challenge Day 1!
It will be very simple and easy to follow.
There will be a short 1 minute exercise video to watch, learn and practice.
That’s all. Remember, we want to think small. Our goal here is to be consistent and to complete the 14 Day Challenge!
Today’s Challenge Prep For Success Tip: Join The Autoimmune Strong Challenge Facebook Group so that you can get support and cheer the other members on! We are all in it together!
With strength + love.
Your Coach,
PS. An important note about the Autoimmune Strong calendars: the challenge will NOT follow any of the calendars. So, if you are already using a calendar and want to participate in the challenge, no worries- just put your calendar aside and we will get back to it when the challenge is completed. :)
Day 1
Today, we begin!!!
Welcome to Day One of the Autoimmune Strong Challenge!
I am so excited to start this journey with you and I can’t wait to see what you learn about yourself over the next 14 days.
Here we go!
For today’s first exercise, you are going to learn ab bracing. It’s an essential core exercise that can be done anywhere (even in bed!), no workout clothes needed. It’s so super effective when done consistently. You are going to love it!
Here is your Challenge for today:
Step #1: Learn:
Watch this short clip where I teach the ab bracing exercise.
*Note: This is just a short clip of a much longer exercise video, to keep things simple. If you want to watch the longer instructional video, you may do so here.
Step #2: Modify:
If you would prefer a non-floor option, please watch this modification video, to learn how to do it standing or in a chair.
Step #3: Practice:
Try holding the “suck tuck and squeeze” for 5 to 10 seconds. Rest and repeat 1 more time.
Does that feel like too much? Do less! Holding even for 2 seconds 1 time is a great start!
Does that feel like too little? That’s okay. I recommend starting very small and building up. Doing too much in the beginning can often set you back, so I encourage you to trust the process. I promise there is a method to my madness!
Step #4: Share!
Want to share your Day One experiences with others? Or do you have questions to ask me and the coaches? Click here to post on the Facebook Group.
** I guarantee that whatever you experienced, someone else needs to hear about it. So please share if you feel comfortable.
Remember: slow and steady wins the race, and a little bit goes a long way.
I believe in you! You ARE Autoimmune Strong!
In Strength + Love.
Your Coach,
Day 2
Yesterday we began our first day of exercise.
Today we are going to switch gears and talk about mindset.
Getting our mindset right is SO important in order for us to reach our long term goals of creating a healthy exercise routine that makes our body feel good and sticking with it. Because I’m going to be honest with you here- sticking with it is the hardest part. That’s why I am here to help.
So, whether or not you actually did yesterday's first exercise, this video is for you.
It’s all about creating breakthrough moments for yourself, so that you can complete this challenge and feel great in your body.
With that in mind, here is your Challenge for today:
Step #1: Mindset:
Watch this short clip where I teach about “thought obstacles”. Understanding how to identify and work through these “thought obstacles” is an important part of helping you stick with this challenge for the whole 14 days- even if you haven’t started yet.
Step #2: Identify:
Give some thought as to what kind of thought obstacles are going to get in your way over the next 14 days. It’s helpful to reflect and ask yourself some questions:
In the past, what has stopped you from consistently exercising?
What happens in your life that knocks you off your rhythm?
Through the process of identifying these obstacles, we can give some thought to how we can overcome them before they happen. This is how we prepare, and preparation brings success!
Step #3: Share!
Want to share your thought obstacles? Or have questions to ask me and the coaches? Click here to post on the Facebook Group. We are here to help and support you as you work through this challenge!
Remember: slow and steady wins the race, and a little bit goes a long way.
I believe in you! You ARE Autoimmune Strong!
In Strength + Love.
Your Coach,
PS. Feeling like you want to move your body? You can practice ab bracing again. Review the ab bracing video and modification options here. Just go easy and don’t overdo it!
Day 3
It’s another exercise day! And today, we foam roll! Fun fact: foam rolling days are my favorite days :)
Here is your Challenge for today:
Step #1: Learn:
Watch this short clip where I teach lower body foam rolling.
*Note: This is just a short clip of a much longer exercise video, to keep things simple. If you want to watch the longer instructional video, you can watch that here.
Step #2: Modify:
If you would prefer a non-floor option, please watch this modification video, to learn how to do it standing or sitting in a chair.
Step #3: Practice:
Foam rolling doesn’t have repetitions like other exercises do. So, follow these recommendations instead:
If you are new to foam rolling, I recommend just learning and playing around. See how it feels (either with the regular or modified). Don’t spend more than 10-15 minutes foam rolling if you are new; we don’t want to overwork your body.
If you have foam rolled before, I recommend going through all of the body parts: the calves, quads, hamstrings, glutes, and finding a few knots to release. Don’t worry about getting to all of those knots, we will come back to foam rolling again. A little bit at a time goes a long way.
Step #4: Share!
Foam rolling is quite an experience, yes? Did you love it? Hate it? Do you hate to love it or love to hate it? Click here to post on the Facebook Group and tell us about it.
Remember: slow and steady wins the race, and a little bit goes a long way.
I believe in you! You ARE Autoimmune Strong!
In Strength + Love.
Your Coach,
PS. If you don’t have a foam roller, don’t worry, you can learn about foam roller options here.
Day 4
It’s a mindset day. And this one is important.
By day four, most people have either participated in all the days of the challenge… or they are feeling a little behind.
When we feel behind, we start getting overwhelmed and that overwhelm leads to thought obstacles.
When thought obstacles are put in our way, we get mindset paralysis, which means we don’t do our exercises.
But don’t worry:
If you have gotten to day four and haven’t done all of the challenge days (or any of them for that matter), that’s okay! And that’s what today’s mindset video is about.
With that in mind, here is your Challenge for today:
Step #1: Mindset:
Watch this short minute clip where I talk about “overwhelm”.
I recommend watching even if you aren’t feeling overwhelmed at the moment, because it will prepare you for how to manage any potential feelings of overwhelm in the future.
Step #2: Identify:
How does this video make you feel? Can you breathe a little easier knowing we don’t have to be perfect here?
Step #3: Share!
Want to share your “overwhelm” experience? Or have questions to ask me and the coaches? Or support others who need a boost of kindness to make it through these 14 days? Click here to post on the Facebook Group.
Remember: slow and steady wins the race, and a little bit goes a long way.
I believe in you! You ARE Autoimmune Strong!
In Strength + Love.
Your Coach,
PS. Feeling like you want to move your body? You can practice ab bracing or foam rolling. Just go easy and don’t overdo it!
Day 5
Today we go back to ab bracing.
Repetition is important; that’s what makes our muscles get stronger.
So, we repeat the same exercise, and I bet you’ll find that it’s a little easier (or at least you have a better sense of what you are doing, which is a win!)
Here is your Challenge for today:
Step #1: Learn:
Watch (or review) this short clip where I teach the ab bracing exercise.
Click here to watch the longer instructional core video if you want more information on the exercise.
Step #2: Modify:
Remember, if this exercise is too difficult or you want to do it standing or sitting, learning the modification option is always good. Some people like these versions better than the original- and they both get your core strong. Watch the modification video here.
Step #3: Practice:
Try holding the “suck, tuck, and squeeze” for five to 15 seconds. Rest and repeat one or two more times.
See? We are making this a little harder by adding an extra repetition and a few more seconds of the hold.
Does that feel like too much? Do less! Reduce it to one repetition, or fewer seconds.
Does that feel like not enough? That’s okay. We are going to keep adding intensity over time.
Step #4: Share!
Want to share your ab bracing experiences with others? Or have questions to ask me and the coaches? Click here to post on the Facebook Group. Let’s talk about our suck, tuck and squeeeeeeeze!
Remember: slow and steady wins the race, and a little bit goes a long way.
I believe in you! You ARE Autoimmune Strong!
In Strength + Love.
Your Coach,
Day 6
One of the most common concerns from Autoimmune Strong members is that they don’t feel like they are doing “enough”.
Is this you? Do you ever have the feeling that you aren’t doing “enough”? If so, you’re experiencing one of the biggest thought obstacles that lead to intense setbacks.
You MUST watch today's video where I tell you all about what this thought obstacle is, why it sabotages you, and how you can avoid it.
With that in mind, here is your Challenge for today:
Step #1: Mindset:
Watch this short minute clip where I discuss the pitfalls of “not enough” thinking.
Step #2: Identify:
How does this make you feel? Do you have these thoughts? I bet you do; they happen to all of us. Even me.
So, I encourage you to take a minute to make a plan of action: How are you going to talk to yourself when these “not enough” thoughts pop in your head and ruin your day?
Step #3: Share!
Want to share your “not enough” thoughts? Want to see how others work through these thought obstacles? Do you have questions to ask me and the coaches? Click here to post on the Facebook Group.
Remember: slow and steady wins the race, and a little bit goes a long way.
I believe in you! You ARE Autoimmune Strong!
In Strength + Love.
Your Coach,
PS. Feeling like you want to move your body? You can practice ab bracing or foam rolling again. Just go easy and don’t overdo it!
Day 7
Time for something new!
It’s time to talk about our feet and ankles!!!
These can be easily forgotten parts of our bodies when we’re considering fitness, but they’re actually super important to our physical routines. For some reason, few fitness experts talk about these important body parts. Well... except for me!
I believe that the feet and ankles are the most important body parts. They carry us around all day, we want them to be strong and flexible!
Here is your Challenge for today:
Step #1: Learn:
Today we have two quick videos on the foot:
Watch this short clip where I teach about foam rolling the foot.
Next, watch this short clip of my favorite foot and ankle exercise called “short foot.”
Step #2: Modify:
The original exercises are done standing, but you can also do these sitting in a chair while you’re at your desk or even watching tv. Watch the modification video here.
Step #3: Practice:
Try some gentle foot foam rolling (either the regular or the modified) for just one minute. (Don’t push too hard on the foot or do it too long. Just like the rest of your body, your foot can get overworked)
Try doing short foot for one to three repetitions.
Does that feel like too much? Do less! Reduce it to one repetition or fewer seconds for each repetition.
Does that feel like not enough? That’s okay. We are going to keep adding intensity over time.
Step #4: Share!
Want to share your foot foam rolling and short foot experience with others? Or have questions to ask me and the coaches? Click here to post on the Facebook Group!
Remember: slow and steady wins the race, and a little bit goes a long way.
I believe in you! You ARE Autoimmune Strong!
In Strength + Love.
Your Coach,
PS. Want to watch the full 15-minute foot and ankle video? Click here to watch!
Day 8
Up until now, all our mindset videos are about how to avoid negative thoughts.
Today, I want to shift that into something more positive.
With that in mind, here is your Challenge for today:
Step #1: Mindset:
Watch this short clip where I discuss replacing old thoughts with new thoughts, as well as how to create more positivity in your life- and why this matters when it comes to exercise.
Step #2: Identify:
How does this make you feel? Are you ready to usher out the old thoughts and bring in the new?
Step #3: Share!
Want to share your new positive thoughts? Want to see how others are creating these mindset shifts? Do you have questions to ask me and the coaches? Click here to post on the Facebook Group.
Remember: slow and steady wins the race, and a little bit goes a long way.
I believe in you! You ARE Autoimmune Strong!
In Strength + Love.
Your Coach,
PS. Feeling like you want to move your body? You can practice ab bracing, foam rolling or short foot again. Just go easy and don’t overdo it!
Day 9
We sit a lot. It’s the reality of modern life.
That means our hips get tight and our glute muscles aren’t as strong as they should be.
So today, let’s stretch our hips out and wake up those sleepy glute muscles!
Here is your Challenge for today:
Step #1: Learn:
Today we have two quick videos on the hips and glutes:
Step #2: Modify:
The original exercises are done standing, but as always, we’ve adapted them so you can participate in a seated posture. Watch the modification video here.
Step #3: Practice:
I recommend doing two repetitions on each side of the hip stretch (either the regular or the modified). Hold the stretch for 10-30 seconds for each repetition.
I recommend doing one to three repetitions of glute bridge (either the regular or the modified). Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds for each repetition.
Does that feel like too much? Do less! Reduce it to one repetition, or fewer seconds for each repetition.
Does that feel like not enough? That’s okay. We are going to keep adding intensity over time.
Step #4: Share!
Want to share your hips and glute experience with others? Or have questions to ask me and the coaches? Click here to post on the Facebook Group.
Remember: slow and steady wins the race, and a little bit goes a long way.
I believe in you! You ARE Autoimmune Strong!
In Strength + Love.
Your Coach,
PS. Want to watch the full 15-minute hips and glutes video? Click here to watch!
Day 10
Have you noticed that at the end of each of these emails, I write: “Remember, slow and steady wins the race, and a little bit goes a long way”?
Let’s talk about what that really means, and why I say it so much!
With that in mind, here is your Challenge for today:
Step #1: Mindset:
Watch this short clip where I talk about these phrases and why they’re such an essential part of my fitness vocabulary.
Step #2: Identify:
Does this resonate with you? Is the concept of “slow and steady” new for you?
Step #3: Share!
Want to share what these phrases mean to you? Want to see how others are creating these mindset shifts? Do you have questions to ask me and the coaches? Click here to post on the Facebook Group.
Remember: slow and steady wins the race, and a little bit goes a long way.
I believe in you! You ARE Autoimmune Strong!
In Strength + Love.
Your Coach,
PS. Feeling like you want to move your body? You can practice ab bracing, foam rolling or short foot again. Just go easy and don’t overdo it!
Day 11
More foam rolling! Time to give it another go, and get in a little deeper.
The more we foam roll, the more our body releases it’s tension- and this is a good thing!
Here is your Challenge for today:
Step #1: Learn:
Watch (or review) this short clip where I teach lower body foam rolling.
Step #2: Modify:
Remember, the floor foam rolling is not the only option. If you would prefer a non-floor option, please watch this modification video, to learn how to do it standing or sitting in a chair.
Step #3: Practice:
Foam rolling doesn’t have repetitions like the other exercises do. So, follow these recommendations:
If you are new to foam rolling, keep practicing with it and seeing how it feels (either with the regular or modified). Don’t spend more than 10-15 minutes foam rolling if you are new. We don’t want to overwork your body.
If you have foam rolled before, I recommend going through all of the body parts: the calves, quads, hamstrings, glutes and finding a few knots to release.
Don’t forget to drink water to flush out the toxins!!!!
Step #4: Share!
Foam rolling is quite an experience, yes? Tell us about it! Did you love it? Did you hate it? Do you hate to love it or love to hate it? Click here to post on the Facebook Group.
Remember: slow and steady wins the race, and a little bit goes a long way.
I believe in you! You ARE Autoimmune Strong!
In Strength + Love.
Your Coach,
PS. Want to watch the full 15-minute foam rolling video? Click here to watch!
Day 12
The finish line is around the corner; only a few more days until we are done!
With that in mind, here is your Challenge for today:
Step #1: Mindset:
Watch this short video where I talk about how success REALLY looks when it comes to exercising with an autoimmune disease and why we need to think long term when it comes to health and fitness.
Step #2: Identify:
Take a minute to check in with your body. How are you feeling? Is your body feeling less tense? A little more strength? A little more confident?
Find a piece of paper and a pen and write the most important thing you learned during this challenge. What is the one takeaway you will carry with you?
Step #3: Share!
I would love to hear your biggest takeaway. Please share it with me- and with the others! Click here to post on the Facebook Group.
Remember: slow and steady wins the race, and a little bit goes a long way.
I believe in you! You ARE Autoimmune Strong.
In Strength + Love.
Your Coach,
PS. Feeling like you want to move your body? You can practice ab bracing, foam rolling, short foot, or glute bridge again. Just go easy and don’t overdo it!
Day 13
I saved the best for’s our spine, shoulder and neck day!
The more we move our back, the more mobility we gain, which results in less back pain. So today, I am including three exercises that start to loosen up your spine.
Here is your Challenge for today:
Step #1: Learn:
Today we have three quick videos for the upper body:
Watch this short clip where I teach the forward fold.
Then, watch this short clip of the cat/cow.
Finally, my favorite chest stretch. Watch here.
Step #2: Modify:
Then, if you would prefer a non-floor option, please watch this modification video to learn how to do these exercises standing or in a chair.
Step #3: Practice:
Hold the forward fold and chest stretch for five to 15 seconds.
Do 10 cat cow exercises.
Do each exercise one to three times.
Does that feel like too much? Do less! Reduce it to one repetition, or fewer seconds.
Does that feel like not enough? That’s okay. Let’s see how your body feels with this before we do more.
Step #4: Share!
How did these upper body stretches make you feel? Tell us! Click here to post on the Facebook Group and tell us.
Remember: slow and steady wins the race, and a little bit goes a long way.
I believe in you! You ARE Autoimmune Strong!
In Strength + Love.
Your Coach,
PS. Want to watch the full 15-minute spine, neck, and shoulder video? Click here to watch!